Shaping Freedom® With Lisane Basquiat

Nurturing Your Flame: Freedom From Burnout (Virtual)

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This workshop is designed for anyone who feels like they are on a cycle of burnout or who wants to know how to avoid it. Burnout is a common challenge that can dim our joy, disrupt our health, and strain our family relationships. This workshop is your invitation to step back, breathe, learn a few new things, and reconnect with you.

Why This Workshop? 
We are in the midst of a mental health crisis that seems to be becoming normalized.  All of us, adult and child, are struggling to process an unprecedented barrage of daily decisions and information. We live in a world that values productivity over wellness and an almost maniacal sense of urgency over a moment to breathe. Anxiety, stress, and depression seems to be the norm within our families and we seem resigned to them as a way of life. Burnout dims our inner flame, the very spark that fuels our passion, creativity, and joy in life. It’s not just about being tired; it’s about feeling depleted at a soul level. 

It isn't easy to cope within our current social structure. This workshop is a safe and inclusive space for us to not only talk about these issues but to address and release them from our familial legacy. We’ll address burnout head on and you’ll be provided with strategies and insights needed to free yourself from the cycle. 

What You Will Learn:
•Deep Understanding of Burnout: We’ll explore the root causes of burnout and its impact on your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well-being.  We’ll identify where it may stand in the way of you unlocking your true potential.

 •Strategies to mitigate and prevent it: You’ll build awareness and learn how to be more empowered when faced with burnout triggers.  Setting effective boundaries, integrating mindfulness practices, and creating more professional and personal harmony are just some of what we’ll cover.

•How to bring in more joy: The goal is to set you up for success in experiencing life on your own terms and in keeping your flame aglow.

Workshop Features:
•Interactive Learning: Participate in engaging sessions that encourage personal reflection and interactive learning.

Guided Activities: Engage in activities designed to help you apply what you learn directly to your personal and professional life.

Supportive Environment: Connect with others who share your aspirations for a healthier, more balanced life, creating a network of support.
Who will be in the room?

•Nurturing Your Flame: Freedom from burnout puts you in community with others who are ready to remove themselves from the cycle of burnout or who want to know how to avoid it. It is for anyone who feels on their  way to burnout or who wants to avoid it. Take action and join us in a safe and trustworthy space where you’re invited to take a step back, breathe, gather a few new strategies, and re-align with you. 

Program Location: Virtual

Date: Friday, September 27, 3 PM- 5 PM (PDT)

Cost:  $129 

Questions? Email us at


Transformational Coach and Workshop Leader

Lisane Basquiat is the Founder and CEO of Shaping Freedom. She is a former corporate executive turned life strategist, passionate about empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Through Shaping Freedom, she helps clients tap into their inner wisdom and overcome personal challenges. Lisane is also the owner of Hera Hub Carlsbad, a coworking space dedicated to supporting female entrepreneurs. In addition to her work in personal and spiritual growth, she serves as the co-administrator of the Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat and co-curator of the acclaimed "Jean-Michel Basquiat: King Pleasure" exhibition, further showcasing her dedication to preserving and promoting her family's legacy.

Lisane trains individuals on how to gain empowerment through internal congruence and spiritual alignment, resulting in healthier familial dynamics and legacy. She helps people who are seeking ways to feel freer, be more empowered and aligned, and to have better results in their professional endeavors and personal relationships.

Board Certified by the Association of Integrative Psychology, Lisane Basquiat is a Master Practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release® (MER) Therapy, a Master Reiki Practitioner, an Accredited Energy Leadership Coach, and certified professional coach.